Root Canal Retreatment

Myrtle Beach, SC Endodontist

With proper care and dental hygiene, your teeth that have had endodontic treatment can last a lifetime. However, occasionally a tooth may not heal after initial root canal treatment. Every root canal case is different and unique. In some instances, our endodontist may recommend a root canal retreatment, which is almost identical to the original root canal procedure.

Reasons for needing endodontic retreatment can be due to:

  • Complex canal anatomy that harbors bacteria or dead tissue
  • Infection from new decay that contaminates the root canal system
  • Cracked or loose filling/crown that allows bacteria to leak back into the root canal
  • Delayed placement of the permanent restoration following initial root canal treatment

If Dr. Conard recommends a root canal retreatment, a local anesthetic will be administered and he will reopen your tooth to gain access to the canal. Once the root canals are accessed, Dr. Conard will clean the root canals and examine the inside of your tooth, searching for any additional canals or unusual anatomy that may require treatment.

Contact our Myrtle Beach root canal dentist for more information if you still experience pain with your initial root canal procedure. Dr. Mark Conard of Intercoastal Endo is one of the leading endodontists in Myrtle Beach and can provide you with additional endodontic treatments.